Daniel Statham is invited as guest lecturer by the Department of Architecture at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
1st March, 2023
Daniel Statham is invited as guest lecturer by the Department of Architecture at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University

Studio Founder Daniel Statham is invited as guest lecturer to deliver a lecture series talk titled Space Oddity at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University on March 1st.

What is the relationship among architecture, art and technology? Whom do architects collaborate with? How can architecture serve as a binding agent that stimulates and gathers intelligent professionals across diverse fields of industry in order to generate inspiring human spaces?

Inspired by British musician David Bowie’s studio album, the lecture series “Space Oddity” invites everyone to contemplate on the notion of spatial ambiguity and trans-disciplinary collaboration. The guest lecturer Daniel Statham, Founder and Director of Daniel Statham Studio, will reflect upon his nearly three decades of architectural practice and share his unique, rich collaborative experience with wordly renowned artists, leading engineering teams, local and international fashion designers, and experts from diverse fields.

As an international architect who has previously worked in London, Madrid, Singapore, and Shanghai, and successfully submitted projects across the globe, Daniel will also discuss his collaboration with individuals from different national and cultural backgrounds, as well as the way in which his architectural approach transcends cultural barriers and responds to the geographical environment.

“I truly hope that this lecture series will rekindle and reiterate the importance of collaboration for the students, especially when facing the industry now in China. Being an architect is about working together with other very intelligent, collaborative professionals from all sorts of field.”